Crawlbase is a simple yet powerful tool designed to make web scraping easy for everyone, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced coder. No more worrying about technical headaches—it automates the tough stuff so you can focus on what matters: getting the data you need.
Your online presence is very important in the era of digital permanence in terms of how employers, friends, and even strangers see you. X (Twitter) is a platform where individuals typically communicate ideas without thinking through the long-term effects because of its immediacy and simplicity. Discover tips for managing your online presence, protecting privacy, and maintaining a professional image in the age of digital permanence.
People are used to computer viruses being the biggest cybersecurity threat, the cloud being unsafe, and many other similar notions that were true once but no longer. With that in mind, here are the top five reasons modern digital tools are safer than you think.
Using activated Windows Server 2022 software is essential for corporate servers' secure and stable operation. This is particularly important for businesses seeking to ensure their company’s full functionality. This article will guide you through everything you need to know for a successful purchase without overpaying.
Whether you are an old-timer in the game of sharing your code or a newbie with some innate ability to code, knowing the ins and outs of image recognition tools will make all your projects reach new heights. Let's go through a basic tutorial that will de-mystify the world of image recognition for a developer.
The digital revolution brought an era of unparalleled advancements in gaming entertainment and eventually changed the way we view interactive entertainment. From AI to VR, breakthrough innovations are continuously pushing the boundaries of what can be imagined or achieved in the gaming world.
Discover the power of data scraping, or web scraping, an automated method for extracting valuable data from websites. Widely used in market research, competitor analysis, and lead generation, this technique helps organizations save time and resources while gaining real-time insights. Dive into the latest trends, benefits, and tools in data scraping with this comprehensive guide designed for professionals and enthusiasts.
Platforms like StackOverflow, GitHub, and Slack are home to many vibrant developer communities. Developers gather to discuss novelties in their respective areas of expertise, comment on issues they might have, help other developers, and more. The proliferation of these communities is shaping the future of content platforms like WordPress, Drupal, and Wix in numerous ways.
In today’s fast-paced digital world, staying ahead requires more than just financial acumen or industry-specific knowledge—it demands leveraging the right technology to streamline processes and boost productivity.
Amazon Kinesis is a platform on AWS to collect, process, and analyze real-time, streaming data at scale. It provides several services tailored to different aspects of streaming data processing: Kinesis Data Streams, Kinesis Data Firehose, and Kinesis Data Analytics. This guide will focus on these services, providing experienced developers with the insights needed to leverage Kinesis for building robust, scalable real-time applications.
Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a fully managed message queuing service that enables you to decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications. With SQS, you can send, store, and receive messages between software components at any volume, without losing messages or requiring other services to be available.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a variety of messaging and streaming services to facilitate communication and data processing across distributed systems. Among the most popular are Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), Amazon Kinesis, and Amazon EventBridge. Each service serves different purposes and use cases, making it essential to understand their properties, capabilities, and optimal use scenarios. This article provides an in-depth comparison of SQS, SNS, Kinesis, and EventBridge, highlighting their key features, advantages, and best practices.
A Content Delivery Network (CDN) helps deliver web content more quickly by caching copies of the content at various locations around the world. This guide will show you how to create a CDN using AWS services: S3 for storage, CloudFront for content delivery, and Lambda@Edge for image and video processing. Follow these steps to set up your own scalable and optimized CDN.
AWS has divided 95 locations into Regions, Wavelength Zones, and Local Zones. We have 32 AWS Regions, 30 AWS Wavelength Zones, and 33 AWS Local Zones. Across 7 continents, including Africa, Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, Israel, the Middle East, and South America.
OSINT refers to the legal process of gathering information about an organization or a person from public and accessible sources. This information aims to answer a specific intelligence question. OSINT Tools includes: OSINT Framework, Google Dorks, Maltego, SpiderFoot, BuiltWith,, Recon-ng, Aircrack-ng, Shodan, Search code, Babel X, Mitaka, Spyse, Intelligence X,, theHarvester, Metagoofil, Social Analyzer, Sherlock, PhoneInfoga, Osmedeus, Amass, Metasploit, SEON, Lampyre, Spokeo, Have I Been Pwnd?, Email Hippo, CheckUserNames, SecurityTrails API
Thanks to the OSINT tools, it is easy for security and testing professionals to gather the right information at the right time to take the right action. Tools like, Censys, Wappalyzer, Jigsaw, Creepy, WebShag, Exiftool, IVRE, OWASP AMASS, ZoomEye, Foca, Unicornscan, Fierce, OpenVAS, NMap, Wireshark, John the Ripper, Sqlmap, Burp Suite, Nessus, Sleuthkit, Cain and Abel
Google Dorks allow you to search for a wide variety of information on the internet and can be used to find information that you didn’t even know existed. This article includes: Informational Dorks, Text Dorks, Scope-restricting Dorks, Complex Google Dorks, Some general Dorks, Latest Google Dorks list and Google Dork cheat sheet for beginners
Entertainment sectors have been revolutionized by data analysis. The film industry and movie streaming, as well as gambling, have not been left behind either. Companies are using information to comprehend their audiences and develop products that will make clients keep on returning. Here’s a look at how data analytics is reshaping different areas of entertainment.
Remember when we played Super Mario or Prince of Persia during the Wii U era? It was so much fun! Today, however, video games have entered a different league. Top-notch graphics, intriguing storytelling, character roleplay, and a lot more. And that’s where things start to get concerning, especially for grown-ups like us who are now parents. Research studies suggest certain video games can instigate children into becoming aggressive and anxious (especially the shooting genre).
Residential proxies are intermediary servers configured to intercept web requests and convey them through actual residential devices, including smartphones and computers. Rather than your web requests reaching the target web server directly, they’ll be routed through your friend’s device. Your computer accesses the internet as usual despite using a different device’s IP address or channeling traffic via a middleman.
Chatbots - automated conversational agents powered by artificial intelligence - have exploded in popularity for customer engagement, technical support and various other uses. When implemented correctly, chatbots offer 24/7 availability and scalability while also significantly curtailing business costs.
Cross-platform development is a dynamic area that keeps growing, because it helps companies to save money by allowing them to build programs that run on a variety of operating systems simultaneously. This article looks into cross-platform development, including its benefits, drawbacks, variety of available frameworks, and React Native's dominance in the industry.
In the ever-evolving landscape of web and mobile applications, the imperative to foster user engagement and interaction has become synonymous with success. At the forefront of this transformative shift stands Pusher, a robust technology that empowers developers to seamlessly integrate collaborative features into their applications, thereby elevating the overall user experience through heightened interactivity.
Let’s take a look at what it means to be a gamer today, and shed some of those outdated labels and stereotypes which still get thrown onto games and gamers today.
Enter the developer data platform – a comprehensive solution designed to empower developers with the resources needed to form valuable insights, increase collaboration, and streamline workflows.
For years, technology has been touted as the silver bullet that will solve all our problems. However, even with the advent and proliferation of many new technologies, our world is still not where we want it to be. I’m sure you can think of many examples of where technology isn’t improving anything in our lives – at least not quickly enough.
Scraper API is a proxy API for web scraping. They offer an API that handles proxies, browsers, and CAPTCHAs, so you can get the HTML from any web page with a simple API call.
Your work as a developer can be streamlined when you get comfortable using a video screen recorder. For tutorials or personal record keeping, we show you how.
Scraping websites is a common task in web development and data analysis. It allows you to extract data from websites for various purposes such as data analysis, monitoring, or building applications that rely on external website data.
The style of font also gives brands a voice and purpose. Of course, if a brand has already established its personality and voice via other channels, the font has to match that. The lack of consistency can leave the targeted demographic confused.
G2 ranks the world’s best software companies and products based on authentic, timely reviews from real users. The winners are generated using G2’s proprietary algorithm based on G2’s verified user reviews and publicly available market presence data.
SOC teams are essentially responsible for monitoring and protecting against the company’s assets and infrastructure; from personal data and business systems to intellectual property and brand integrity. The incentive driving SOC is of course a positive return on investment due to the damage limitation and prevention of cyberattacks.
Discover the best locations in the world to work remotely. The workers of the world are no longer constrained by borders. With a laptop and an internet connection, professionals can build careers from wherever they choose.
With Over 80+ tools and resources for Entrepreneurs and Startups, you can use them to build and grow your product. Tools and resources ranges from ideation, MVP, launch, marketing, CRM, design, development. These are some of the most useful resources that you will ever need and it will help you succeed in your new business or scale it to new heights.
There is no need to write custom functionality when you can use a library. Libraries are the best friends of developers and the staples of their lives. Good projects make use of some of the best libraries available in the market. List of Flutter libraries that will help you to power Up Your Flutter development.
An image-to-text converter tool has become the need of writers in this day and age. These tools very easily extract the text from images and save a lot of time that is spent typing the text manually from the images.
Our previous article on becoming the best version of yourself by recognizing the ‘50 Cognitive Biases’ pointed out that errors in our thinking are normal, but by understanding them, we can make better decisions in our lives. This is the same with poker because every time we play a hand, we can actually learn a lesson.
Being free from the troubles of debt is one of the best achievements one could ever accomplish. This is because you will be able to earn money without stressing about losing it due to debt.
Are you planning to start working fully remotely? The new norms have transformed the work culture a lot, and people are opting for remote jobs more than ever. If you are willing to go remote, make sure you are equipped with the right technology.
In a modern digitized world, technology has become an indispensable element of efficient business operating. Read the article and find how you can increase sales using technological advances for your business promotion.
By conducting advanced searches using a method called Google dorking, you can cut through the internet’s enormous reservoir of data to locate the information you need.
Despite the fact that we think we know things, there are many cognitive biases that can cause problems. Cognitive biases are widely accepted as part of the human condition.
Online gaming is not just a fad – it has a multibillion audience and mashed-up market, with many games now focused on multiplayer online play rather than solo offline play. The real revolution occurred when the internet opened up multiplayer gaming, allowing players to connect and play with others from around the globe.
This article will walk you through some of the important aspects of Node.js like what it is, why to select Node.js, what are the best Node.js frameworks for Web Apps.
The choice of a business domain name is an important one. This is how your potential customers will find you. That’s why you need to know the trends in domain names.
Customers usually are unaware of the factors that influence the cost of software development. Estimates of software development project costs can vary, and the process is opaque to customers.
If you are a content creator or marketer who wants to increase YouTube views for free, then the process will take effort and time. However, if you do this in the right way, you will have more views, enhanced user experience, and ways to increase your content and its viewership.
Writing an app or software review requires at least some expertise in the industry and a little technical knowledge. It is not exactly the same as reviewing a normal product.
Content that is similar to other sites is highly detrimental to progress. In fact, it produces pathetic results that can be easily countered by using a plagiarism checking tool.
VPNs aren't just for entertainment and gaming. A good quality VPN can also protect your internet connection, protect your privacy and hide your identity, thus keeping you safe from hackers or any well-intentioned person trying to spy on your online activities.
Whether you're a recent graduate, a seasoned professional transitioning careers, or simply looking for a new adventure, the remote job market has something for everyone. Here are ten exciting remote job options you can start today without a degree.
A lot of neobanks collaborate with banks that hold banking licenses, as they cannot function alone. This article focuses on how to build a neobank and everything you should consider when you build your first one.
The computerized domain, often seen as a labyrinth, is loaded with concealed dangers and difficulties, particularly in fields like software development and cybersecurity. This article means to divulge the intricate role of VPN, and its importance in the domains of software development and cybersecurity, and help you in navigating the heap of decisions to choose the ideal VPN that lines up with your necessities.
In the constantly evolving world of technology, software quality assurance (QA) plays an indispensable role in product development. Software QA outsourcing is emerging as a crucial strategy for many organizations. Why? Well, it lets you focus on what you do best - innovating and designing while the QA experts take care of the testing.
Even though these are some normal activities in the life of every student, we often underestimate the power books have. They are more than vessels of knowledge. They serve as windows to new worlds, new ideas, and perspectives.
The IoT is a way to connect real-world objects to the virtual world of the internet, where they can take advantage of data processing and analytics. Consumers can now have their ordinary products and devices take commands from the global data system with little human participation, bypassing the need for a screen and a keyboard.
150birds is a one-stop shop providing a hybrid of technology and human resources for small businesses to outsource their marketing department. Develop the right marketing strategy with 150birds.
The book begins by discussing the challenges faced by organizations with monolithic applications, such as scalability limitations, deployment difficulties, and development bottlenecks. It emphasizes the need for a more modular and flexible approach, which can be achieved through the adoption of microservices.
When you are building a Startup, marketing plays a very crucial role which helps you to find your true tribes, early adopters and customers that pays for your Product. We have consolidated the lists of directories and resources that you shouldn’t miss
In the era of technology where tech advancement is the only thing, keeping us alive, cybersecurity is the menace. So far, cybersecurity teams have dealt with this efficiency but it is time to upgrade. By using AI-powered cybersecurity tools, threat detection will become easier, quicker, and more precise.
Today's society has been completely transformed by the widespread usage of smartphones, leaving no room to deny their undeniable impact. In this blog post, we will thoroughly explore the extensive ways in which smartphones have influenced our daily lives.
Take a look at this comprehensive Docker cheat sheet that compiles all the necessary commands in one convenient resource, enabling you to enhance your Docker proficiency and knowledge.
Jobsora guarantees that you’ll find a job quickly if using it. And that’s true! You no longer need to spend hours and days surfing the Internet and seeking vacancies.
Scraper API is a proxy API for web scraping. They offer an API that handles proxies, browsers, and CAPTCHAs, so you can get the HTML from any web page with a simple API call and extracts the Metatags from the <HEAD> tag.
Adding a question mark to clarify a doubt or exclamations to stress over a sentence is not apt. In such circumstances, in-app voice calls to bridge the gap by allowing the conversation to be more personal and effective.
Being the top cloud platform on the planet, AWS offers a plethora of cloud services and it's quite obvious to get confused while building your application. Let's ease it and focus on the top 15 most commonly used AWS services that you should use.
Google Dorks allow you to search for a wide variety of information on the internet and can be used to find information that you didn’t even know existed.
Google Dorks allow you to search for a wide variety of information on the internet and can be used to find information that you didn’t even know existed.
Google Dorks allow you to search for a wide variety of information on the internet and can be used to find information that you didn’t even know existed.
Google Dorks allow you to search for a wide variety of information on the internet and can be used to find information that you didn’t even know existed.
Google Dorks allow you to search for a wide variety of information on the internet and can be used to find information that you didn’t even know existed.
Google Dorks allow you to search for a wide variety of information on the internet and can be used to find information that you didn’t even know existed.
Google Dorks allow you to search for a wide variety of information on the internet and can be used to find information that you didn’t even know existed.
Google Dorks allow you to search for a wide variety of information on the internet and can be used to find information that you didn’t even know existed.
Google Dorks allow you to search for a wide variety of information on the internet and can be used to find information that you didn’t even know existed. In SQL Injection, attackers alter SQL queries and inject malicious code by exploiting application vulnerabilities, modifying database information, accessing sensitive data, can issue commands to the system.
Google Dorks allow you to search for a wide variety of information on the internet and can be used to find information that you didn’t even know existed.
Google Dorks allow you to search for a wide variety of information on the internet and can be used to find information that you didn’t even know existed. Read Google Dorks List and Updated Database for Files Containing Usernames and Passwords to find more.
When it comes to small businesses, it is a great way to pursue growth. It can help you save money, have a pool of professional experts, and improve the efficiency and productivity of operations. This article is dedicated to all small businesses looking for ways to excel in their respective fields without having to break the bank and go beyond their capacity.
Google Dorks allow you to search for a wide variety of information on the internet and can be used to find information that you didn’t even know existed.
Google dorks are advanced search operators that allow users to perform specific and targeted searches on Google. While Google dorks can be useful for legitimate purposes like information gathering or research, they can also be leveraged by attackers to find sensitive information or vulnerabilities.
Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform initially developed by Google and now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). It provides a powerful framework for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
In an increasingly digital world, protecting your sensitive information is paramount. Yet, the very technology that enhances our lives can also be employed for malicious purposes. One such method is through Google Dorks, a technique used to exploit vulnerabilities and expose sensitive data.
Every year brings in new gadgets that seem to shape our daily lives. This year is no exception. There are many devices that promise to make life easier, more connected and a little bit more fun. Here's a look at what's worth adding to your collection this year. These top 10 must-have gadgets stand out for their utility and creativity.
Terraform is a popular Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool used for automating the provisioning and management of infrastructure resources. While Terraform itself provides a robust set of features, there are several additional tools and plugins available that enhance its functionality.
Google Dorks allow you to search for a wide variety of information on the internet and can be used to find information that you didn’t even know existed.
Companies use a range of solutions to meet compliance requirements and facilitate training. North America leads in terms of both revenue and volume in the voice call monitoring and recording market. Encryption is the process of converting data into an unreadable form. Technically, this is sometimes described as saving files as 'ciphertext.'
Kubernetes, also known as K8s, is a popular open-source container orchestration platform that provides numerous benefits for managing and deploying containerized applications.
To be a productive developer follow S.O.L.I.D, foundation of clean system design. It helps to create maintainable and extensible code. An agile software development process.
In centuries past, racehorse ownership was a purely amateur pastime; that is, rich owners developed their horses for bragging rights and a desire to develop the breed, but any money earned was incidental.
GitHub CLI allows developers to run their entire GitHub workflow from the terminal, spanning from issues through releases, without having to switch from one process to another. GitHub users can tap into a command line interface with the release of GitHub CLI
The appeal of online casinos can be captivating, but it's crucial to recognize the pivotal role that security plays in making sure you have a fair and enjoyable experience. Firewalls and data encoding serve as first-line protectors, while ACH payments quietly act like a backend safeguard, empowering online casinos with a safe and dependable money transaction process. This article provides insights into ACH payments by discussing their origin, the technology involved, and how they boost overall safety in the context of online casino platforms.
Online casinos face numerous cybersecurity challenges. Protecting these platforms from cyber threats is crucial, as a single security breach can have devastating financial consequences. On average, a data breach costs approximately $4.45 million, which is a 15% increase over the past three years. This cost includes various factors such as detection, containment, recovery, notification, legal fees, and reputational damage.
Are You a Procrastinator ? IS time is your enemy ? Do you always get short of time ? Do you race against time to meet deadlines ? The Pomodoro Technique to transform your lives.
Meta tags are snippets of code that tell search engines about your web page, such as how they should display it in search results, grow the quality and quantity of website traffic, etc. They also tell web browsers how to display it to visitors.
How making mistakes make you more likeable. When a person makes a mistake or acts in a clumsy way that might even make people laugh, they are found to be more likeable.