To use a Google Dork, you simply type in a Dork into the search box on Google and press “Enter”. Here are some of the best Google Dork queries that you can use to search for information on Google.
Scraper API provides a proxy service designed for web scraping. With over 20 million residential IPs across 12 countries, as well as software that can handle JavaScript rendering and solving CAPTCHAs, you can quickly complete large scraping jobs without ever having to worry about being blocked by any servers.
"-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----" ext:pem | ext:key | ext:txt -git
"-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----" | " -----BEGIN EC PARAMETERS-----" ext:pem | ext:key | ext:txt
inurl:print.htm intext:"Domain Name:" + "Open printable report"
inurl:/jsps/testoperation.jsp "Test Operation"
intitle:"index of" "*Maildir/new"
intitle:("Index of" AND "wp-content/plugins/boldgrid-backup/=")
"-- Dumped from database version" + "-- Dumped by pg_dump version" ext:txt | ext:sql | ext:env | ext:log
/etc/config + "index of /" /
/etc/certs + "index of /" */*
intitle:"index of" inurl:admin/download
intitle:"index of" "dump.sql"
"index of" inurl:database ext:sql | xls | xml | json | csv + ssh_host_key + ssh_config = "index of / "
intitle:"index of" "*.cert.pem" | "*.key.pem"
intitle:index of .git/hooks/
intitle:"index of" "WebServers.xml"
"-- Dumping data for table `admin`" | "-- INSERT INTO `admin`" "VALUES" ext:sql | ext:txt | ext:log | ext:env
inurl: /.git
inurl:8080 + intext:"httpfileserver 2.3"
intitle:"index of" "server.crt" | "server.csr"
intitle: "Index of" inurl:admin/uploads
intitle:"index of" "/CFIDE/" intext:"administrator"
"index of" ""
intitle:"index of" "slapd.conf"
intitle:"index of" "/system.log" | "/system.logs"
intitle:"Everything" inurl:C:Windows
"index of" "email.ini"
intitle:"index of" "/app.log" | "/app.logs"
"-- Dumping data for table * " ext:sql | ext:xls intext:db | intext:database | intext:password | username
GitLab ssh.log ext:log
"-- Dumping data for table `users` | `people` | `member`" ext:sql | ext:txt | ext:log | ext:env
ext:reg [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareSimonTathamPuTTYSshHostKeys]
"index of" "performance_schema"
"index of" "users.ibd"
"-- PostgreSQL database dump complete" ext:sql | ext:txt | ext:log | ext:env
"ws_ftp.log" ext:log
"-- Dump completed" ext:sql | ext:txt | ext:log
intitle:"index of" "firewall.log" | "firewall.logs"
intitle:"index of" "/000~ROOT~000/"
"Share Link" inurl:/share.cgi?ssid=
intitle:"index of" /lsass.exe
Index: /wp-includes/Text/Diff
intitle:"index of" /var/logs filetype:'"log | txt | csv"
intitle:"Index of /" +.htaccess.old
intitle:"index of" "/root/etc/security/"
intitle:"Index of c:xampp"
Google Dork : Index of: /services/aadhar card/
intitle:"index of" "app.log"
intitle:"index of" "/home/ROOT_PATH/"
"Index of" "/monitoring"
intitle:"index of" "ssh_host_ecdsa_key"
Index of: /services/pancard/
inurl:member filetype:xls
intitle:"index of" "oauth-private.key"
intext:"INTERNAL USE ONLY" ext:doc OR ext:pdf OR ext:xls OR ext:xlsx
inurl:admin/data* intext:index of
intitle:"index of" "admin/sql/"
"index of" "svg"
index of logs.tar
"Index of" "sass-cache"
intitle:"index of" "survey.cgi"
"index of" "fileadmin"
intitle:"Dashboard [Jenkins]"
intitle:"index of" "uploads.old"
allintitle: sensitive ext:doc OR ext:xls OR ext:xlsx
intitle:"index of" inurl:ftp intext:admin
intitle:"index of" "system/config"
intitle:"index of" "admin/config"
"index of" "/config/sql"
intitle:"index of" "api/admin"
intitle:"index of" "tinyfilemanager.php"
intitle:"index of" "test/storage/framework/sessions/"
intitle:"index of" "symfony/config"
intitle:"index of" "graphql/subscription"
intitle:"index of" "/admin/backup"
intitle:"index of" "admin/json"
intitle:"index of" "/admin_backup"
intitle:"index of" "git-jira-log"
intitle:"index of" db.frm
intitle:"index of" "/db_backups/"
intitle:"index of" "common.crt" OR "ca.crt"
intitle:"index of" "global.asa"
intitle:"index of" "proxy.pac" OR "proxy.pac.bak"
intitle: "index of" "MySQL-Router"
intitle:"index of" "owncloud/config/*"
intitle:"index of" "iredadmin/*"
intitle:"index of" "cctv"
intitle:"index of" cvsroot
intitle:"index of" "/concrete/Authentication"
intitle:"index of" "jwt-auth"
intitle:"index of" "maven-metadata.xml" "Port 80"
intitle:"index of" inurl:wp-json embedurl?
intitle:"index of" "metadata"
intitle:"index of" "apache-log-parser" "Port 80"
intitle:"index of" ""
intext:"index of /" ".composer-auth.json"
inurl:"/includes/api/" intext:"index of /"
inurl:"/includes/OAuth2" intext:"index of /"
intitle:"index of" ""
intitle:"index of" "*php.swp"
intitle:index.of ""
intitle:index.of "backwpup"
intitle:"index of" "/Cloudflare-CPanel-7.0.1"
intitle:"index of" "sms.log"
intitle:"index of" "ftp.log"
-pool intitle:"index of" wget-log -pub
-pub -pool intitle:"index of" squirrelmail/
intitle:"index of" api_key OR "api key" OR apiKey -pool
intitle:"index of" domain.key -public
intitle:"index of" .oracle_jre_usage/
-pub -pool intitle:"index of" vagrantfile -"How to"
intitle:"index of" .zshrc~ OR .zshrc OR .zshenv OR .zshenv~ -pool -public
"key" OR key.jar intitle:"index of" webstart
index of /storage/logs/
intitle:index of "uploads"
A Google Dork is a search query that looks for specific information on Google’s search engine. Google Dorks are developed and published by hackers and are often used in “Google Hacking”.
Google Dorks are extremely powerful. They allow you to search for a wide variety of information on the internet and can be used to find information that you didn’t even know existed.
Because of the power of Google Dorks, they are often used by hackers to find information about their victims or to find information that can be used to exploit vulnerabilities in websites and web applications.
Google Search Engine is designed to crawl anything over the internet and this helps us to find images, text, videos, news and plethora of information sources. With it’s tremendous capability to crawl, it indexes data along the way, which also includes sensitive information like email addresses, login credentials, sensitive files, website vulnerabilities, and even financial information. In many cases, We
as a user won’t be even aware of it.
Google Dork is a search query that we give to Google to look for more granular information and retrieve relevant information quickly. For example, try to search for your name and verify results with a search query [inurl:your-name]. Analyse the difference. You just have told google to go for a deeper search and it did that beautifully.
Google search service is never intended to gain unauthorised access of data but nothing can be done if we ourselves kept data in the open and do not follow proper security mechanisms.
Essentially emails, username, passwords, financial data and etc. shouldn’t be available in public until and unless it’s meant to be. Example, our details with the bank are never expected to be available in a google search. But our social media details are available in public because we ourselves allowed it.
Google Search is very useful as well as equally harmful at the same time. Because it indexes everything available over the web.
You need to follow proper security mechanisms and prevent systems to expose sensitive data. Follow OWASP, it provides standard awareness document for developers and web application security.
Scraper API provides a proxy service designed for web scraping. With over 20 million residential IPs across 12 countries, as well as software that can handle JavaScript rendering and solving CAPTCHAs, you can quickly complete large scraping jobs without ever having to worry about being blocked by any servers.
Note: By no means Box Piper supports hacking. This article is written to provide relevant information only. Always adhering to Data Privacy and Security.